
SIAL China’s weekly snapshot of the global food and beverage industry


Consumer perception of frozen food is improving

Consumer appetite for frozen food is on the growing. Fed by an increased number of private labels, competitive prices, and effective marketing tactics, today’s busy and health-conscious consumers are turning to frozen foods. The market for frozen foods in the Asian Pacific market is expected to grow at a double-digit CAGR by 2020.
[Full article:http://www.freshplaza.com/article/185515/Consumer-perception-of-frozen-food-is-improving]

Wine Pairing By Mood, Not Food

Is vinotype set to drastically change both restaurants and wine stores? Researchers at Michigan State University are testing the theory of vinotypes, an assessment pairing wine to characteristics of the drinker, instead of wine to food. Vinotype has implications for both restaurants and wine stores which may need to train their staff members on the vinotype approach.
[Full article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lesliewu/2017/11/30/wine-pairing-by-mood-not-food/#22182f36271f]

French minister says China set to approve more French food exports

China is set to approve more imports of French pork, processed meat, and infant formula. The changes will make it easier for France to export these products to the worlds top consumer of pork.
[Full article: https://af.reuters.com/article/commoditiesNews/idAFB9N1BH00B]

The Fruit Durian Is Skyrocketing in China

The value of China’s fresh imports of durian fruit has climbed an average of 26-percent year over year the past decade. Thailand dominates that fresh durian market in China but Malaysia is eager to change this. Currently, Malaysia only sells frozen durian fruit pulp to China.
[Full article :https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-28/the-fruit-that-smells-like-gym-socks-is-skyrocketing-in-china]

A Taste for Luxury in China Is Causing a Ham Shortage in Spain

The growth of the Chinese middle class is impacting the market for life's finer things. Delicious ham from Spain is no exception. According to a report by the Guardian, Chinese consumers appetite for Spanish ham is impacting Spain's domestic supplies, and it's not just the ham winning over consumers, it’s the culture and process behind.
[Full article: http://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/chinese-demand-luxury-jamon-iberico-eg17-2763227/]

SIAL China, Asia’s largest food innovation exhibition, is held annually in Shanghai from May 16 to May 18. For more information,go to www.SIALChina.com , or contact us at: [email protected]