SIAL Chinese Restaurant-Shanghai

SIAL Chinese Restaurant will be unveiled as a new event of SIAL Shanghai 2023. Integrate the new Chinese catering craze into innovative dishes. During the event, cookers will make innovative dishes with Chinese seasonal high-quality ingredients, continuously break traditional boundaries, exploring the original flavor of the ingredients. SIAL Chinese Restaurant will also integrate the concept of "dim sum" , combine the taste of Chinese pastry and western baking.

SIAL Chinese Restaurant will copy the dining and ordering scenes of offlfline restaurants,the audience can participate in tasting onsite, immerse in the new taste of Chinese catering style.

Location:Shanghai New International Expo Center

Time:18th-20th, May, 2023


Event Enquiry

Tel: +86 (0)10-6588 5639


Tel: +86 (0)10-8572 8347

Sponsor Enquiry

Tel: +86-17512524190