
SIAL Innovation

SIAL Innovation a trendsetter, provides visitors with expert and up-to-date content on innovation and market developments worldwide. It is one of the major events that will re-enchant your experience. A place where invention, transition, re-invention and foresight are discussed. Come and decipher the latest innovations and consumer trends in the world's food industry.

This world food innovation observatory is offered in partnership with Protéines XTC.

How to register


Register as exhibitor of SIAL Shenzhen


April 17, 2023

Submit products with exhibitor ID & PASSWORD
on the Innovation Platform


July 12, 2023

Deadline for product registration


August 4, 2023

Jury meeting to select top 10
finalist & gold silver bronze awarded products


August 7, 2023

Announcement for top 10 finalist products


August 28, 2023

First day of SIAL Shenzhen
SIAL Shenzhen Innovation awarding ceremony

Who can participate


The products need to be created or released to market later than September 2022


The products must be edible food product for the food processing industry


All Participants declare and guarantee that they own the intellectual property rights relating to the registered products, for which they are not the manufacturer but the distributor, they need to be duly authorized by the owner of the intellectual property rights relating to the registered product


The applicant shall ensure the submitted products comply with the laws and regulations of the country of origin or distribution


The applicant can register more than one product.

How to estimate

  • Gold, Silver & Bronze Winners

    SIAL Innovation TOP 3 Winners

    The jury members select the most innovative foods and beverages of the year, based on the consumption habits and market trends of different countries and regions, from five dimensions, namely, pleasure, health, healthcare, convenience and environmental protection.
  • Top 10 Finalist

    SIAL Innovation Top 10 Finalists

    The jury members are lead by XTC consulting, in coporate with global professionals, scholar, media and other consulate to form an independent jury team, select top 10 finalist products from selected products.
  • Selection

    SIAL Innovation Selected product

    A jury team of XTC world innovative consulting from France, the official partner of SIAL innovation, will make the selection from all registered products.

Benefits for awarded products

  • Gold Silver Bronze Award

    • World Champion Tour

      Exclusive showcase area on current exhibition.
      The awarded products will be showcased free of charge in the Innovation area of SIAL Paris, one of the world's largest food and beverage exhibitions, also in the innovation area of other SIAL Network of the year, including Montreal, Toronto, New Delhi, Las Vegas, Jakarta, Indonesia, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc, to be exposed to professionals in the global food and beverage industry.
    • Exclusive report of official media for free

      Awarded product will be published on SIAL WeChat official account (23w+ followers from food and beverage industry) and relevant official media (including Weibo, Baijia, Toutiao, Penguin, Netease, etc.).
    • Brand display on video for free

      The awarded product image, name of product and enterprise will be displayed in official promotion video of SIAL. The video will be published on the official website, official news release, official Wechat video account, WeChat official account and other multi-channel publicity after the exhibition, with exposure opportunities over 10 millions.
    • Speech on concurrent summit for free

      Awarded enterprise can release a 5 minute speech on SIAL Global Food Industry Summit for free.
    • Trophy and certificate for awarded product.

    • Other benefits

      Awarded products enjoy the same benefits with finalist and selected products.
  • Finalist

    • Report of official media for free

      Awarded product will be published on SIAL WeChat official account (23w+ followers from food and beverage industry) and relevant official media (including Weibo, Baijia, Toutiao, Penguin, Netease, etc.).
    • Publicity by professional media

      Finalist awarded enterprise will be interviewed by professional food and beverage industry media.
    • New product release onsite for free

      During SIAL Shanghai, finalist products enjoy the opportunity of 15 minutes of product release or presentation.
    • Exposure on livestream

      Exposure on livestream of Wechat official video account and the official Tiktok account during the exhibition.
    • Exclusive product recommendation page of head e-commerce platform

    • Other benefits

      Finalist products enjoy the same benefits with selected products.
  • Selection

    • Showcase area onsite for free

      Selected products will be displayed on Innovation booth during the exhibition(60,000+visitors in total for 3 days).
    • Authoritative certificate and Endorsement

      Selected products are all authorized to use the Innovation logo for market promotion.
    • Brand display on official media channel

      Selected products will be displayed on official website, WeChat official account, Weibo, Baijia account, Toutiao, Penguin account, Netease account, etc.
    • Selected products will be included in the preview of SIAL Shanghai - SIAL Innovation theme tour route.

    • Ticket for Summit

      1 ticket for SIAL Global Food Industry Summit.

SIAL INNOVATION opens to registered exhibitors of SIAL Shanghai for free.

SIAL INNOVATION only opens to current edition exhibitors, and will not open to non-exhibitors in any other forms of payment.




Sisi Li

Tel: 010 - 6588 5639